About me

Hi, Impact!

My name is Emma Leigh Howard. I am a twenty five year-old wife, mother, creator, and coffee lover. I live in Warren, Michigan with my husband of five years, our two children (with one on the way), and our three dogs; a pitbull named Ellie, a husky named Zoie, and a terrier named Charlie!

I grew up in a small town in southerin Illinois, but I fell in love with the city. Now my husband and I are building our small businesses and serving the Lord here in metro Detroit!

After having my beloved Izzy, I realized I wanted to do something more with my motherhood—and in the four years I’ve been a mom, I’ve had quite the journey!

Feel free to reach out; I love making new friends and hearing people's stories. And if no one told you today, you are loved. God is alive. Don't give up!

-Emma Leigh
